On the land, water is life. We need it for everything from drinking to sanitation purposes, for livestock, and for planting and growing our crops. But what do you do when water is in short supply?
What if the creeks, dams and soaks run dry and the months creep by without any relief in sight?
A genuine concern in the world right now is climate change, and few places in the world are as aware of environmental impact as the agricultural regions in Australia. As any farmer here knows, water is life. Indeed, even the Australian Government is putting $2.97 billion towards farmers and rural communities in view strengthening their drought preparedness.
Seeing poly water tanks around the outskirts of cities on lifestyle farms is now commonplace. They supply drinkable water for daily life on a lot of properties. Without it, some properties and farms would be much harder to sustain as many small farms are located a long way from municipal water sources.
Moving further away from the cities and the way water is relied on is a different story. While there is the same needs for water like the lifestyle properties closer to cities, there is a greater focus on bulk water supply systems for seasonal allocation of water resources. For example at certain times of the year the amount of water used for the spraying of crops far exceeds the amount of water required for daily living. And add this to the fact that these large amounts of water need to be ready to transfer very quickly to reduce downtime and lost productivity.
Conservation of water is something that is a part of farming, as much as pest control, applying fertiliser, or stringing up kilometers of fence. Living in a dry climate means adapting to long periods of time without moisture. Through technology and innovation, just about any obstacle is manageable.
Water Sources Create Sustainable Living
Though clean, potable water is a diminishing natural resource worldwide, Australians have been dealing with this problem for a long time. The Australian Government acknowledges that sufficient water falls in the north of the country however the rest of Australia (including the West Australian Wheatbelt) remains largely dry.
Even the most ambitious and innovative agricultural companies striving to bring diversification into the Wheatbelt are facing serious issues with water supply to develop their plans. On-farm dams are crucial to their success, however evaporative covers are required to protect the supply. Evaporation of water from open reservoirs forces high production agriculture activities to be located near to groundwater sources. So, what happens if you are not in an area with access to ground water? Well, any forward thinking farmer knows they must invest in water tanks.
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Every farm in Australia is almost guaranteed to receive some rainfall at some time in the year. Using water tanks to capture this water is far more efficient than building dams. The water held in once-piece tanks is contained and will not evaporate creating one of the most effective means of water storage in rural Australia.
Collecting Water Lets Your Livestock and Crops Thrive
Obviously, rainwater tanks have more productive uses on a farm or station than the suburban sprawl. Livestock don't have quite as many requirements as people do when it comes to water supplies, and a little bit can go a long way to ensure that animals stay hydrated when free-flowing water is scarce.
Even if you are fornunate to live near to a river or underground water, water rights and laws require the diversion of water for population which means farms might not get priority when it comes to rivers and streams for production. So, collecting your own water supply guarantees that when the rivers and reservoirs go dry, you will still be able to supply water to your crops and livestock.
Rainwater Tanks Help Sustain You Through Hardship
Farming is a profession that often finds itself at the mercy of Mother Nature. If there is an outbreak of disease, parasites, or an environmental disaster, it's always better to have your own reserves of clean water to sustain yourself and your household.
There is a finite supply of fresh water on the planet, and even that is susceptible to contamination. Safely storing water in tanks can get you through any number of water crisis including droughts, and on to the next season.
Ultimately, Water Tanks Can Make or Break Your Farm
With rainwater tanks, it's commonplace to see many farms thriving across rural WA. Any Australian farmer worth their salt knows that collecting and maintaining their own water supply is crucial to efficiently managing day-to-day tasks no matter the season.
Contact us to find out how our poly water tanks can make the difference in your farm, hobby farm, aquatic animals, or non-food crop today!
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