According to the Australian Government, Australia is the driest and most populated continent in the world. So if you are looking for a certified water storage container for storing water for human consumption or later use, a water tank will help you meet your water storage needs.
To keep your family and your water safe all year long, here are a few tips that every water tank owner should and shouldn't do. These tips will also help you get the most out of your water tank.
Water Tank Do's
1. Think about where to install the tank.
Once you have purchased your water storage tank, the next step is to consider where you are going to install it. There is a wide range of best practices that you need to consider ensuring your tank is mounted in a safe location and position. It must be placed on a level base that will not erode or subside over time. And, there should be no sharp debris or rocks that could pierce the tank.
2. Know how to prepare for installation.
You should consider the Australian standards for water tank installations whenever you are preparing for water tank installation. Otherwise, the first thing you need to prepare is the tank base. You can either choose concrete and compacted material bases for your water tank.
3. Consider placement of inlets and outlets.
During installation, you also need to consider placement of inlets and outlets. Inlets are basically filling pipes from water sources while outlets are collection pipes and overflow drainage pipes. If you are using the water in your tank for human consumption, you need to speak to your local dealer to recommend the best filters you will need.
4. Size the tank to fit your gutters.
If you use too many gutters, you'll find your water tank overflowing each month. So you need to calculate your rainwater harvesting tank size based on the amount of rainfall, roof area, and consumption. After sizing your tank, the next step is to design and size the gutters.
5. Learn about relevant tax advantages before you file your taxes.
You need to learn about relevant tax advantages before you file your taxes. For instance, according to the Australian Taxation Office, you may be entitled to claim a deduction for capital expenditure incurred on a water facility if you are a primary produce or an irrigation water provider.
6. Consider benefits of a poly tank.
There are several types of water tanks you can consider purchasing. These include corrugated steel tank, welded steel tank, poly tank, bladder tank, onion tank and frame tank. We advise you to consider a poly tank as a long-term investment with innumerable benefits that save you money down the road.
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1. Don't leave children unattended.
Children can interfere with your water tank. So don't leave your kids unattended around your storage water tank. Also, make sure the area you install the tank is off-limits.
2. Don't store items around your water tank.
Whether your water tank is new or old, storing items around it may cause a huge hazard. For instance, if the items are flammable, they may catch fire and damage the tank.
3. Don't wait until it arrives to plan transportation access.
We happily deliver our poly water tanks to your pre-determined location. However, if you don't provide an access road that can carry the load, we may not be able to drive the tank directly to that spot. Ensure a delivery truck can manoeuvre to and from your tank location easily so delivery is a breeze.
Do you need a water tank? Coerco has a wide range of water tanks designed for the harshest conditions and ready to serve you. We offer the best storage solutions for many individuals and businesses in WA and across Australia.
For any inquiry, please feel free to contact us today.
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